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Take a look at Brad Binder’s article Here.

Every karate group should publish solemn and respectful interviews with their own teacher, asking all the important questions, such as “What can I do to be worthy of your teaching?” and “Sensei, how did you get to be so great?”  We haven’t arranged a time for ours yet, but here’s a brief exchange from today to tide you over:

Me:  Yeah, you know, people always say that karate teaches you great self-discipline, but when my housemates kept nutella in the fridge over the summer, I just couldn’t stop eating it;  I don’t think you’re teaching it right.  

Robert Miller: Yes, sorry, I thought you knew.  Some karate teachers provide great lessons in self-discipline, but what we do develops bad character.

"Try to see yourself as you truly are and try to adopt what is meritorious in the work of others. As a karateka you will of course often watch others practice. When you do and you see strong points in the performance of others, try to incorporate them into your own technique. At the same time, if the trainee you are watching seems to be doing less than his best ask yourself whether you too may not be failing to practice with diligence. Each of us has good qualities and bad; the wise man seeks to emulate the good he perceives in others and avoid the bad."
Funakoshi Gichin


April 2024

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